When Aion: Assault on Balaurea launched, many players expressed dissatisfaction with 'rifting' PvP.
When Aion: Assault on Balaurea launched, many players expressed dissatisfaction with 'rifting' PvP. NCSoft and Aion devs have spent a lot of time working with players via surveys and forum topics to determine how to make changes to make rifting more equitable. Devs have implemented several significant changes that will be implemented for the next month with players providing feedback.
In the feedback gathered, you indicated that you felt that lower-level players needed to have some to protection. However, the majority of you also told us clearly that you felt that the strength of the defensive bonus after Assault on Balaurea launched was excessive.
On Friday, December 10 we will begin a month-long trial of changes to the current rifting settings that take into account your feedback. After the month is over, we will send out another in-game survey to gauge your thoughts on the changes to determine if we need to do any final tweaking of these settings.