The Factions and Lore of Balaurea
Aion®: Assault of Balaurea™ saw the light of day across European and North American servers roughly one month ago. We’ve released two new video podcasts that should come in very handy for those of you discovering the myriad new content in the expansion or simply looking to brush up on your knowledge of Balaurea.
The first Aion podcast introduces you to the three new factions in Aion: Assault on Balaurea and explores the expansion's two new lower-level instances: Harimel and Kromede's Trial.
The lore in Aion: Assault on Balaurea builds from the events of Atreia's history and earlier campaign quest storylines. Our second Aion podcast touches on this aspect of the expansion, moving gameplay from conquering challenges on the inside of Atreia to investigating the homeland of the Balaur on the outside of the shattered world.