Instances with shorter passages
The new mode of instances really makes aion gold an impact. For example, the instances feature shorter passages than the current ones and there are less meaningless combats that are almost like simple labor. Players are able to enjoy the fun of combating with an increased number of foes in the instances. In fact, it takes no more than 20 minutes for a 4-player elite team to pass through each instance in the regional test.
To experience abundant game content conveniently
With efforts, C9 allows players to enjoy the game in a more convenient manner in the regional test. And instead of increasing the number of monsters, this game features monsters at different degrees of defeating difficulty. After combats, players can also relieve nerves by experiencing other game content.
PVP mode
The PvP mode has been officially integrated in C9, which is available in all places of the villages in the regional test. Special PvP-oriented arenas are also designed in the game, with the power of all attacks halved. Meanwhile, the problem encountered in the previous test that positions of the in-game characters couldn't be determined consistently is solved, and all classes are well balanced now.